Lorenz×Lysithea Support Conversations
ローレンツ: リシテア君、話がある。
Lorenz: Lysithea, do you have a moment? There is a matter of significance I’d like to discuss with you.
リシテア: あんた、あちこちで女の子に声かけてるって聞きましたけど、わたしにまで……
Lysithea: I know you’re always seeking the attention of ladies, but why are you wasting your breath on me.
ローレンツ: まさか。同盟の未来について語りたいのだ。忌憚のない意見を交わそうじゃないか。
Lorenz: Don’t be silly. I want to discuss the future of the Alliance. To have a constructive and candid exchange of opinion.
ローレンツ: まさか。フォドラの未来について、君と語り合いたいと思っていてね。
リシテア: まさかってどういう意味かしら……。わたし忙しいので、これで失礼します。
Lysithea: I’m not so sure I’m the one being silly. Actually―I’m busy. Stuff to do.
ローレンツ: 待ちたまえ! コーデリア家のその閉鎖的な態度は、直ちに改めてもらいたい。
Lorenz: Now, hold on just a moment! House Ordelia will never benefit from such a narrow-minded mentality!
リシテア: 今のはわたしの話でしょう?どうして家のことになるんですか。
Lysithea: I was under the impression you were interested in me as a person. What do house matters have to do with anything?
ローレンツ: 今の同盟に諸侯同士の絆など存在しない。このままでは近い将来、瓦解するだろう。
Lorenz: As it stands, the bonds between Alliance lords are quite weak. If this state of affairs persists, I am afraid those bonds may dissolve entirely.
ローレンツ: この破滅的な世界情勢の中で、レスターの諸侯に何ができるのか考えたことはあるか?
リシテア: わたし、そういう話には興味ないんですけど。
Lysithea: I couldn’t care less.
ローレンツ: コーデリア家の国力は確かに豊かではないが小国だからこそ、しがらみも少ないだろう。
Lorenz: House Ordelia may be small, but a small house is fettered by fewer obligations than a larger one. Apply yourselves activity in diplomacy, negotiate wisely, and you could do much to help maintain peace among the neighboring lords. The recognition of those lords would benefit your house immensely. To that end, why not start with me, the heir to House Gloucester? It couldn’t hurt for us to become friends, could it?
リシテア: はいはい。その日が来たら、是非。でもわたし、今は忙しいのでまたの機会に。
Lysithea: Yes, yes, of course. When the time comes. But right now, I’m quite busy. Maybe later.
リシテア: さ、同盟のために魔道の研究をするので邪魔しないでください。
Lysithea: As it is, I’m studying magic for the benefit of the Alliance, and I would appreciate it if you left me to it.
リシテア: さ、フォドラの未来のために、魔道の研究をするので邪魔しないでください。
ローレンツ: む、そうか。それは失礼した。ならば僕は、退散させていただく。
Lorenz: Ah. I see. Then forgive the intrusion. I will take my leave of you, for now.
But if there is any way I can be of help, to you or your house, I hope that you won’t hesitate to ask.
ローレンツ: 何せ僕は、同盟の未来を背負って立つ男だからね。はーはっはっは。
Lorenz: After all, as I’m sure you know, the future of the Alliance is my responsibility!
ローレンツ: 何せ僕は、フォドラの未来を背負って立つ男だからね。はーはっはっは。
リシテア: ……何が未来よ。ほんっと迷惑。
Lysithea: The future, he says. Hmph. As though I have a future…
リシテア: ああ、失敗した……。おかしいな。理論は間違ってないはずなのに……。
Lysithea: Hm... It didn't work. Odd. My logic was sound, or so I thought...
ローレンツ: リシテア君。良い茶葉が手に入ったんだ。お茶でもどうかな?
Lorenz: Ah, Lysithea. I've just happened upon some lovely tea leaves. Would you care to join me for a cup?
リシテア: ……忙しいので。
Lysithea: Nope. Busy.
ローレンツ: 寝食を忘れて研究に勤しむ姿勢は立派だが、適度な休息も必要だろう。
Lorenz: While I admire your dedication to research, you simply must take breaks now and again. For the sake of your health.
リシテア: そこまで夢中になるほど、子供じゃありません!
Lysithea: I am perfectly capable of knowing when to stop! I'm no child, I'll have you know.
ローレンツ: とにかく少し休みたまえ。ほら、紅茶に合う菓子も用意してきた。
Lorenz: Come now. Take just a brief respite. Look, I've even brought snacks to go with the tea.
リシテア: わ、美味しそ……こほん、仕方ありません。少しだけ付き合ってあげます。
Lysithea: Ooh, that actually looks pretty tasty... All right. All right, fine.
ローレンツ: どうだい? 当家御用達の菓子は。僕は幼い頃からこれが大好きでね。
Lorenz: Well, what do you think? These are made especially for my house. I've loved them since I was a boy.
リシテア: はああ……美味しい……ほっぺが落ちちゃいそう……。
Lysithea: Oh jeez. Wow. Actually... this is delicious. You have excellent taste, Lorenz.
ローレンツ: 好きなだけ食べたらいい。君と親交を温められるなら安いものだ。
良ければ、君の話を聞かせてくれないか。魔道の師は? 幼い頃はどんな……。
Lorenz: Have as much as you like. For the sake of our friendship, I consider it well worth the investment. I'd like to know more about you, Lysithea. Where did you learn such a command of magic? When you were a child, what kind of...
リシテア: ……お菓子くらいでほだされませんから。自分のことを話すの好きじゃないんです。
Lysithea: Ugh, come on. Can't we just enjoy the snacks? I loathe talking about myself.
ローレンツ: 外交の第一歩は自分をさらけ出すことだぞ。社交界に出る年になれば考えも変わろうが。
Lorenz: Openness is a prerequisite to successful diplomacy. You'll learn that, when you take your first real steps into high society.
リシテア: いちいち子供扱いしないでくれます?だいたい、年齢で人を評価するなんて……。
Lysithea: Can you stop with the kid treatment? I mean, really— is age the only thing you consider when engaging with others?
ローレンツ: 君が悪いのではない。誰しも年相応の経験を積んで成長していくものだ。
Lorenz: But there's nothing the matter with being young. There is a role to be played at every stage in life. That is how we learn and grow.
リシテア: ……それが、子供扱いしてるっていうんですよ。
Lysithea: Are you even listening?! Ugh, it's like you can't even help yourself but to continue treating me like a child!
ローレンツ: それに、君の実力は認めているさ。君ほど魔道の才に優れた者はそうはいまい。
Lorenz: I absolutely recognize your raw ability. You possess quite a rare gift for magic. I hope we can find a way for you to use that gift to help as many people as we can. Surely you can agree to that, at least?
リシテア: しつこいですね。言ったでしょう。わたし、政治に興味はないんです。
Lysithea: You really are relentless! I'll spell this out for you once more— I. Don't. Care!
ローレンツ: 君も強情だな。なぜその素晴らしい才能をフォドラの未来のために使おうとしない?
Lorenz: You're headstrong! Just like me! That very quality will ensure a better future for Fódlan!
リシテア: 強情なのはローレンツでしょう?二言目には未来のため未来のためって。
Lysithea: I, sir, am nothing like you— you're bullheaded and boorish. And utterly fixated on the future. All you care about is what's to come.
Sure, it's all well and good to be thinking about such lofty things. However...
For me, the future's a very long ways off. Better to focus on the present— on the here and now.
Thanks for the tea.
ローレンツ: リシテア……?
Lorenz: Lysithea?
B+ Support
リシテア: ……あんたでも野花を積むんですね。手入れされた花しか興味ないと思ってた。
Lysithea: Picking wildflowers? Seems such a common activity for someone like you.
ローレンツ: 花は自らの力で咲き誇る姿が一番美しい。リシテア君、君にも1本……。
Lorenz: To me, the most beautiful flower is the one that blossoms by its own strength. Lysithea, please accept this as...
リシテア: ……やめて!
Lysithea: Knock it off! Uh, sorry... It's just that the thorns are a bit sharp, and I'm not a fan of killing nature.
ローレンツ: ……君は、優しいんだな。名も無き野の花にも情けをかけるとは。
Lorenz: True sympathy, even for the smallest wildflower. I admire your kindness. When you inherit your house, that kindness will be a balm to your subjects. They, and the neighboring lords, will trust you instinctively.
リシテア: また政治の話ですか……。
Lysithea: Politics. Again.
ローレンツ: 昔からレスターの諸侯は利己的に過ぎた。他者を利用することしか考えてこなかった。
Lorenz: The Alliance has been harmed in the past by lords who thought only of themselves. Who saw others as a means to an end.
But you! You understand others' pain. With you around, I am quite hopeful that the Alliance will flourish again.
リシテア: ……その期待には応えられません。コーデリア家は、父の代で終わるから。
Lysithea: That's not something you should get your hopes up about. House Ordelia will end with my father.
ローレンツ: そんな……! 政治に興味がないとはいえ、300年の歴史を持つ名家を潰すつもりか?
Lorenz: I'm...sorry? I understand you have a distaste for politics, but could you really allow a noble house three centuries old to fall to ruin? This goes beyond you, and even your house. What would become of Fódlan if all its noble houses withered away in such a manner? The people would be in disarray. The balance of power would crumble. Chaos would rule.
リシテア: わたしは長生きできない体なんです。兄弟もいないし、わたしが死ねば終わり。
Lysithea: No, it's just... My body, unfortunately, is not built to last... And I have no siblings. When I die, that's the end.
ローレンツ: え……そ、そう、なのか?
Lorenz: What?
リシテア: それに……親もわたしも、貴族に生まれたことで、とても苦しんできたんです。
Lysithea: Noble birth has been nothing but a source of pain for me. For me, and for my parents.
We got sucked into the rebellion in the Empire, and it led to...many responsibilities for us. The things we went through... I can hardly bear to speak of it.
All I want to do is give my mother and father the chance to live out their years in peace.
I intend to do whatever I can to ease the hardships of our people, while I still have life left in me...
Naturally, I worry about what will come to pass after I'm gone.
But I'm sure things will work out, so long as there are people like you around working so hard for a better future.
ローレンツ: ……君は、自分の不幸を嘆くこともなく、この世界の未来までも案じてくれるのか。
Lorenz: So you have been thinking of the future. Even despite all of that.
I-I am so sorry. I had no idea. Lysithea. I have offended you most persistently.
Please find it in your heart to forgive my impudence.
リシテア: 気にしてないけど、どうしてもというならお菓子とお茶で手を打ちます。……でも。
Lysithea: Don't worry about it. If you're so insistent upon being my friend, I'm sure more tasty snacks and tea will help persuade me.
But if speaking of the future holds such importance, better to find someone who actually has one.
ローレンツ: リシテア君……。わかった。また共にお茶を楽しもう。
Lorenz: I understand. Yes, let's take tea together again sometime.
A Support
ローレンツ: リシテア君。あまり日差しの強い場所にいてはいけない。
Lorenz: Lysithea! It's no good for you to expose yourself to such strong sunlight. And a chill could steal upon you at any moment! You really ought to have worn a mantle.
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: Hmph.
ローレンツ: それに最近は多忙で疲れているだろう。今日はほどほどにして休みたまえ。
Lorenz: You have been running yourself absolutely ragged. Would you please consider taking some rest?
リシテア: ……ああああ! んもう!わかったから、ついてこないで!
Lysithea: Enough is enough! I am fully aware! Now, stop following me.
ローレンツ: ぼ、僕は君の体調を気遣ってだな……!
Lorenz: I'm only concerned for your health.
リシテア: 今は別に、体調は悪くありません。それに、自分のことは自分で管理できます!
Lysithea: That's great and all, but I feel fine today. And I'm perfectly capable of caring for myself. I don't have time to "take a rest". I'm overloaded with work, and I have less time than everyone else. I just want to do my own thing, bring order to the Alliance, and put my parents' minds at ease.
ローレンツ: 焦る必要などない! 君が短命だなんて……誰の診断か知らないが、僕は信じない。
Lorenz: No need to rush! How can you be so certain your lifespan is shortened, anyway? I do not know who decided that, but consider me skeptical.
If you are healthy now, and if you take proper care of yourself, you ought to live just as long as anyone else.
リシテア: だからって……お茶請けが薬草入りの焼き菓子になったのは不満なんですけど。
Lysithea: That's all well and good, but those vitamin-packed "sweets" you brought tasted weird.
ローレンツ: 医は食に通じ、食は医に通ずる。健やかな体を作るには、まず食からだ。
Lorenz: If you want a healthy body, then you need to start with what you eat.
リシテア: それはそうかもしれませんけど、普通のお菓子のほうが美味しいし……。
Lysithea: You have a point, but those health sweets are gross.
ローレンツ: フォドラ中から薬草入り菓子を取り寄せて、なるべく甘いものを厳選していたのだが。
Lorenz: I sent for the finest in wholesome, healthy treats for you. I asked only for the very sweetest.
リシテア: ……それは気づいてました。ごめんなさい、いつもありがとう。
Lysithea: That was pretty nice of you. I'm sorry, Lorenz. Thank you for being so thoughtful.
Still, I don't need bushels and bushels of them. Gaining a ton of weight won't exactly lengthen my lifespan either.
I mean, I'd like to be able to hang out with you as much as possible and...for as long as possible.
ローレンツ: リシテア君……そうか!そう思ってくれるか! 僕も同じ気持ちだ!
Lorenz: Truly? Ah, I'm so glad! I feel the same.
Even in an otherwise perfect future, I still cannot see a happy life for myself without you in it.
In fact, the more time we spend together, the more essential to me you become.
So let us walk, side by side, toward a future together!
リシテア: あ、う……そういう恥ずかしいことを、大きな声で言うのは……
Lysithea: Yikes, keep it down, will you?
ローレンツ: 恥ずかしい? 何を恥じることがある!僕は君といつまでも……
Lorenz: Why are you flustered? What is there to be embarrassed about? You know I will always care for you!
リシテア: わかった! わかりました!だからもう落ち着いてくださいってば。
Lysithea: OK, OK, noted! Will you just calm down already?
ローレンツ: 君は何も案じることはないぞ。すべて僕に任せておきたまえ!
Lorenz: You need not worry about a thing. I will look after you, no matter what may come! After all, the future of Fódlan rests upon my shoulders, does it not?
リシテア: ふふ……わたしも自分を諦めないから。ずっと見守っていてね、ローレンツ。
Lysithea: I won't give up on myself either. Thanks for caring, Lorenz.